Problem Solving
This 11-minute audio SlideCast provides a terrific explanation of the Improvement Kata. It's almost like having Bill come to your location. Turn on your speakers and click the 'play' button.
The Lean Post / Articles / TK UNIFIED FIELD THEORY
Problem Solving
June 7, 2012
This 11-minute audio SlideCast provides a terrific explanation of the Improvement Kata. It's almost like having Bill come to your location. Turn on your speakers and click the 'play' button.
Problem Solving
Revolutionizing Logistics: DHL eCommerce’s Journey Applying Lean Thinking to Automation
Podcast by Matthew Savas
Problem Solving
Transforming Corporate Culture: Bestbath’s Approach to Scaling Problem-Solving Capability
Podcast by Matthew Savas
by Lean Enterprise Institute